This weekend we are throwing a party celebrating my 3 year old's Birthday. In true Mother of the Year fashion, I had postponed it an entire month hoping for beautiful weather. Here is where mother nature kicks me in the head and reminds me we live in Oregon. Awesome. I'm sure the 30 of us will be quite cozy indoors...
If these decorations don't cheer me up, I'm hopeless. Just look at them! Hand picked and hand crafted. My friend Karla owns A Child's Birthday and offered to create some lovelies for Addie's farm party. (She actually came up with the "farm party" idea. She's clever like that!). Everything I needed was delivered right to my door in tidy little boxes, then I proceeded to take every single item out to admire them and make a ginormous mess. Karla has other parties ready to ship, so email me if you would like to contact her.
And these 2 fabulous things came to my house, as well. From my husband...for our anniversary. I forget every single year, and he remembers without fail. He is the most practical gift giver ever. One year I received a carpet cleaner and a bathroom scale for Christmas. I love it! He does sprinkle in precious stones now and again-just to keep me on my toes. ;)
But seriously, I love the hair dryer and Jeep starter. My fella knows how to treat a girl. Happy five year anniversary to us!
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